
Three questions for Reinhard Kronenberg.

As a senior consultant and project manager, Reinhard Kronenberg has many years of experience in a wide range of mobility and infrastructure issues. In our column “Three questions to” he tells us how he uses his experience from journalism in communication – and how our clients benefit from it.

You started your communications career at the journalism school in St. Gallen and then worked for various daily and weekly newspapers as well as SRF for more than ten years. What made you decide to enter journalism?

Pure romanticism. At the time, I believed (or hoped) that journalism could change the world. Some succeeded in doing so, congratulations to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on behalf of all the others. Unfortunately, that was not so much the case for me. But it was exciting nevertheless, because journalism is a fascinating profession.

You have been working in communication organisations for many years now. What made you take this step and how do you leverage your journalistic knowledge and network?

Pure pragmatism. After years on the publishing side, i.e. at the interface between content and the commercial business, I was given the chance to realign myself professionally and found my calling as a consultant. I am by nature very service-oriented. From then on I used all my knowledge in a somewhat more clearly structured and probably also more future-oriented industry than journalism. The workings of communication were familiar to me, you just work differently with it. Journalism and communication have the same parents, but as siblings they are still quite different. And let’s be honest: when I entered journalism in the mid-80s, the understanding was different than it is today in many places. You can regret it, simply take note of it or work with it for the benefit of clients.

You have been responsible for the development of digital communication several times in your career. Are you always online in your private life or do you switch off sometimes?

Yes and no. My media consumption is also considerable due to my job. In the morning and during the day, I check the websites of Blick, Watson, Tages-Anzeiger, NZZ and Spiegel as well as those of the relevant communication media and, of course, LinkedIn. In addition, there are specific websites that deal with mobility and, of course, the websites of our clients. And once a day I make sure I get a gasp – when the daily mail from arrives shortly after two o’clock. My mobile phone is switched is always on, but in the evening I put it away; it’s also about being a role model for my four-year-old son.

Reinhard Kronenberg

Reinhard Kronenberg

Senior Consultant

+41 43 300 56 52


DE / EN / FR / IT

Reinhard Kronenberg leads projects primarily in the areas of infrastructure and mobility. In doing so, he combines his network, journalistic and editorial expertise gained across key media with his many years of experience as a project manager, consultant and member of the management team on the agency side.